Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Who are they?

Sally Bowles is a  fem fatal empowered woman her clothing was different from main stream to create a shock factor. Make up used in the film 'Cabaret comes with a façade of Sally Bowles. Sally Bowles her character is meant to be British. In the theatre production of Sally Bowle she is blonde and is sat in a oversized chair licking a lolly pop. Perhaps the reason for this is because she's meant to look like a child. Sexual preference to make her look like a little kid. She's meant to look timid that's why she didn't move from the chair. Like a English rose.

Anon 2011

Anon 1972

 Emcee is the gay guy  who is the host of the kit Kat club where Sally performs. He's the personification of unfettered sexual freedom.
Berlin was sexualised in the 1930s everyone was a homosexual and dressed like one
Emcee is extravagant classic look is eye brows coated in mascara rosy cheeks and red lips and a white face. He is an Elizabethan fool.

Anon 1979

Anon 1972

 Clifford Bradshaw is another character American novelist represents social conscience closeted gay man.
Fräulein Schneider she lets out rooms in the play she is a character about survival. Watch how her character develops and find out her back story.

Herr Schulz he's a man he's foolishly optimistic and he rents a room out from fräulein. But owns a fruit shop and he endures a lot of hardship. Doesn't make sense why him and fräulein aren't a couple.

Ernst Ludwig he's a likeable man but smuggles money to the nazis.

Fräulein kost she earns money by doing favors for sailors. Saves money for herself. Ver sophisticated.

Kit Kat girls that dance in the club. Beautifully grotesque. Settle for less than social standing.
 I'm thinking about context costume make up camera angles decadence how do you define it
Anon 1972
American dream people go to far to get what they want.
Anon 2008


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