Friday, 5 December 2014

Final Shoot for Emcee

Overall I feel this is my proudest shoot. I feel over the moon about the images that came out. All my worries before this shoot seemed to go away as I was fully prepared.
In the first image is my portrait image. I'm really pleased with the symmetry of the mask. When I first applied the black it was not symmetrical so by using a really fine brush I had to try and make both sides equal and it was very hard and tested my patience. But in the end I felt I did a good job. Im happy with the blue in the hair I didn't think it would show up on the camera but it did and I feel like it was blended in well. I like how you can see in detail the white eyelashes and eyebrows. It's really nice to see the contrast between the black and white and how something so simple can make such an impact.

What I'd change....
Well looking at the image below I would change a couple of things. Firstly the black in the sideburns I can see they should have been blended in better. It's a very noticeable line and that shouldn't be there. Also the blue in the hair stops abruptly on one side. I should have blended I out towards the ear.

I really likes this close up image you can see in more detail the black line and how its not a perfect straight line. But I'm glad it isn't perfect otherwise there would be nothing to improve on. I could have blended more and thinking back to it I felt I did loads of blending but now I know that I should have done even more.

The lips- The texture I love but its not symmetrical. I should have used a finer brush to do the cupids bow but I like the mixture of blue and red. I used a mascara wand to apply the colours. I like how the lips and the hair colour match. Makes the whole look come together instead of random parts.

Overall I'm happy with the look but there are some things to improve on. I feel like this look really portrayed the image I had of Emcee in my head. I feel like if there was an Emcee today he would look like this.

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