Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Emcee meets Mytsery of the Masks

So Mysterious

After doing lots of research into Emcee it started to become obvious I wasn't going to learn about his other life which started to become a mystery that made me think of superheroes. I then came to a decision to bring this mysteriousness across in my contemporary make up design. Then an idea came to mind and I thought of doing a mask.
The three images I chose to look at was because of the shape, styles, colour and texture. I wanted to decide which I liked and for what reason so I can incorporate these ideas into my make up design for Emcee.
I looked at fashion masks to keep up with the contemporary idea. I saw this image above and straight away I loved them they were so unique and different. The first photo I liked the two piece mask as it wasn't something I had seen before. It was interesting seeing one piece attached to the face and another hanging off it. But I felt this was too gothic for the idea I had in mine. The image next to it is like a visor I like how the mask drips down the face as if its almost attached to the skin it makes you want to touch the mask. Again its not quite what makes me think of Emcee.

This mask above is an old Italian full face mask. It's very creepy but I like the contrast of red lips on a white background face. The pale face and red lips is very Emcee. But I don't want to do a full mask on the face as I know half of Emcee's life but the other half is a mystery. I was more thinking of doing a mask just covering the eyes.
This final mask I chose to put on this blog is because of the mask shape. I like the idea of the mask covering half the face but also I like the triangle idea at the top and bottom of the mask. It makes it more mysterious instead of having the mask go straight across. It  gives it more edge.

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